Vivo y1s pattern unlock one click mrt 1000000000%

Disconnect Mobile...
re-input Mobile Battery...
then connect usb to computer....
Make Sure your Mobie have power...
>>> Searching Mobile Com Port...
Get Mobile Port: COM17
>>> Driver Identifying name:
MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android)
>>> Get Mobile Aleady...
>>> Reading Mobile Hardware info...Success
HW_Inf: 8A00 SW_Inf: CA00
>>> Initializing Mobile Phone...Success
>>> Downloading boot1 to Mobile...Success
ÊÖ»ú״̬Çл»Îª :brom... ÊÖ»ú״̬Ϊ: preloader
È·ÈÏÊÖ»ú״̬Ϊ :brom...
Initializationing BOOT2 ...
=====================Flash ÀàÐÍ(eMMC)==============
Flash Size: 0x0000000747C00000 -> 29820M
Flash ID: 0x1501003458364B4D
Flash Name: Samsung_Unknow
Flash Code: 4X6KMB
>>> switch hight speed re,wr port...
Get Com Port is: COM84
>>> Driver name: