do i need to flash to remove ? or any other method to remove
Android Info:
Platform = msm8953
Android Info:
Brand = xiaomi
Vendor = Xiaomi
Device = onc
Model = Redmi 7
Product = onc
CPU ABI = arm64-v8a
Android Version = 9
Firm Version = PKQ1.181021.001
Inc. Version = V11.0.6.0.PFLMIXM
Firm Date = Mon Jun 15 17:18:22 WIB 2020
Security Patch = 2020-06-01
MIUI Version = V11
Scanner Thread Terminated
Elapsed: 00:00:51:541
Found 64 Partition(s)..
Scan Done. Init Main Engine...
Resetting EasyJtag Box. Wait..
CMD Pullup Level: 1683 mV
CMD Active Level: 1843 mV
Reader Engine Initialized.. 0/OK
Source: EasyJtag Port [EMMC/SD/MMC]
Bus Mode: 1BIT
Operation Done: [Init Engine], Elapsed: 00:00:01:573