wow I just figured out a way to automate articles + ebook creation!

Hi, I want to very first begin by saying your forum is remarkable! I feel like I have to share my new writing method Ive been working on material a lot lately as a free lance writer. I understand it's quite frustrating creating it all yourself. I found a way to automate, since it was insane dealing with clients problems and making Reports, Guides, Digital Info for their products or even E-BOOKS. My automation process is Basic things like even providing an E-book can assist you acquire thousands of new leads monthly so creating text content was vital but ok ok how did I do it?! Think of if you could do it all in the press of one button? New innovative technology has actually JUST been released that allows you to INSTANTLY develop expert Ebooks, Reports, Guides, Lead Magnets, Whitepapers, and digital info-products AUTOMATICALLY, and "ON-DEMAND" ... at a push of a button! > I am not affiliated to these guys at all but I am freaking blown away I wrote 10 articles in about 5minutes and they are perfectly copy scaped and translate well. Please do show me any better methods you guys may have? I also hear that using VOICE TO text works wonders for speeding up writing!