LG M400DY FRP Reset Done With UMT King

LG M400DY FRP Reset Done With UMT King

Read Info :
Port : COM18 : LGE Mobile USB Serial Port (COM18)
Baud Rate : 115200 - Auto
Device : LG *Automatic*
Operation : Read Info
Opening Port...OK
Reading Information...OK
Model : LG-M400DY
PID : VS04S170619006602
Firmware : M40011d
Factory Ver. : LGM400DYAT-00-V10h-AME-XX-MAR-14-2019+0
LAF Ver. : 1.1
Chipset : mt6750
Operator : GLOBAL
Country : COM
Memory ID : QE13MB
Capacity : 14.56 GB
Battery : 50%
Reading Partition Table...OK
Operation Finished.
Time taken: 00:04
[UltimateLG v0.4]
Log Saved to Logs\200302_155923.log

FRP Reset :
